Rachel Aiello, PhD
Child and Family Clinical Psychologist

Tara Chandrasekhar, MD
Child and Family Psychiatrist

Jason Cho, MD
Child and Family Psychiatrist

J. Nathan Copeland, MD, MPH
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Geraldine Dawson, PhD
Child and Family Psychologist

Lauren Franz, MBChB, MPH
Child and Adolescent Pyschiatrist

Sathyan Gurumurthy, MD
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Tyler Higgs, PhD
Child and Family Clinical Psychologist

Nicole S.C. Heilbron, PhD
Child and Family Clinical Psychologist

Mary Beth Hooks, MSW, LCSW
Clinical Social Worker

Jill Howard, PhD
Child and Family Clinical Psychologist

Katie McCoy, MSW, LCSW-A
Social Worker

Linmarie Sikich, MD, MA
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Mary Grace Smith, RN, BSN
Ambulatory Care Nurse

Elena Tenenbaum, PhD
Child and Family Clinical Psychologist

Saritha Vermeer, PhD
Child and Family Clinical Psychologist