We invite people of all ages who have been diagnosed with autism and those who are not on the spectrum.
It takes lots of different people from diverse backgrounds to help make scientific discoveries about child development. You can play an important role. You can help improve care and understanding for people on the autism spectrum.
What is the Duke Autism Research Registry?
The Duke Autism Research Registry is a voluntary registry open to individuals of all ages, including those who are not on the autism spectrum.When you enroll in our Duke Autism Research Registry, you are giving the Duke Center for Autism permission to contact you about studies for which you or your child may be eligible.
Why Join?
When you join the Duke Autism Research Registry, you will be among the first to know about our world class autism research studies.
Most studies:
- Offer a gold-standard diagnostic assessment completed by our Duke clinicians
- Provide parents detailed reports about their child's behavior and skills at no cost
- Offer compensation
Our Duke Autism Research Registry participants are also informed about our centers' special events and activities for families and individuals on the autism spectrum.
If I join the Duke Autism Research Registry am I automatically signed up to participate in a study?
No. When you enroll in the DukeAutism Research Registry, you are giving us permission to contact you when studies become available. You can make the choice to participate (or have your child participate) in the study if you qualify for it.
What takes place in a typical research study?
Every study is unique. Each varies in its requirements and activities. Most studies offer detailed assessments about child behaviors and skills. For most research studies,you and/or your child
will visit one of our family-friendly research labs at Duke at least once. Many study visits can
be done remotely.
What is the research study enrollment process?
Once you join the Duke Autism Research Registry, you are among the first to know about our research studies when they become available. At that time, If you are interested and qualify, our staff will inform you of all the study's expectations and requirements so that you can decide whether to participate.
Can I change my mind?
You can ask to be removed from the Duke Autism Research Registry at anytime. All research at Duke University is voluntary, and study participants have the right to leave any study at any point.
Will I be compensated?
Most of our research studies provide compensation to participants or their parents. However, we do not provide compensation for joining the Duke Autism Research Registry.
How can l join the Duke Autism Research Registry?
Enroll online, call 888-691-1062, or email autismresearch@duke.edu.