Rights for sexual and gender minorities have come under attack in the United States recently. The wellness and security of these individuals are under as great or greater threat in many other countries. In this panel, experts will explore the welfare of transgender individuals and others who identify as sexual and gender minorities in three global contexts - Brazil, Kenya and Vietnam. Led by Kate Whetten, co-director of Duke's Sexual and Gender Minority Wellness Program, the panel will explore threats to health and safety for these communities, local and national policies that complicate intervention and research to support them, and research needs to help support SGM communities in each setting.
Kathryn Whetten, director of the Duke Center for Health Policy & Inequalities Research and co-director of the Sexual and Gender Minority Health research program, will lead a discussion with collaborators on the SMILE study, which is seeking to learn about the life experiences of people who identify as sexual and/or gender minorities. Speakers will include Jaqueline Gomes de Jesus and Rafaela Delduque from Brazil and Ricky Mugah and Valentine Okello from Kenya.
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