Employee Spotlight: Jurgen Henn

Originally, from Freiburg Germany, Jürgen Henn grew up in the foothills of the Black Forrest Mountains. After finishing high school in Stuttgart Germany, Jürgen traveled through Europe, and North and West Africa, before returning to Germany to study English at Freiburg University. However, during his travels in Togo West Africa, he met his now wife, Laura, who was stationed there as a PeaceCorps volunteer. Laura moved to Durham after leaving the PeaceCorps, and Jürgen visited her in 1994, marrying her two weeks later.

In 1998 he received a Master’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from UNC Chapel Hill and began working for a tech start-up company in Chapel Hill. Over time, his work became more and more technical and he quickly picked up a variety of computer and IT skills. When the company closed its doors in 2002, Jürgen accepted a position at Duke’s Center for Developmental Epidemiology, and in 2015 began offering his technical skills at the Center for Autism as well. Recently, he also started working on the North Carolina Psychiatry Access Line, a Duke and UNC collaboration. And, in 2021 he joined Diversify IT, a community of IT professionals working towards awareness and support for all identities at Duke.

Since starting at the Autism Center, Jürgen has worked behind the scenes to keep the Autism center running with a big smile and lively conversations. From setting up computers and servers and supporting telehealth systems, to fielding an endless stream of technical questions and concerns from our not so tech savvy staff, Jürgen enjoys his work with the Autism Center’s team and appreciates being able to contribute to our mission.

Jürgen and his wife are both avid horse people, and love to take their horses out on the trails in Durham County. In addition to their two horses, they also keep some goats, a pair of emus, and a Great Pyrenees dog (who makes sure no stray dogs or coyotes bother the other animals) in their pasture. He also loves traveling and has listed Sri Lanka, India, and Central and South America on his bucket list to visit soon.

Please be sure to give Jürgen a huge high five for the incredible and indispensable work he does every day. He would also love everyone to check out his “pet monster” at https://11foot8.com/, for a look at a Durham legend – the 11’ 8’’ bridge, also known as the “Can opener of Gregson Street,”
