ESDM Online Caregiver-coaching Modules
In the caregiver-delivered version of the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), caregivers are coached to use strategies during their everyday interactions with their children that have been shown to promote social interaction, communication and learning. Free, online caregiver coaching modules are now available.
What Science Tells Us About Autism Spectrum Disorder
From leading autism researchers, including Duke Center for Autism Director Geraldine Dawson, PhD, this accessible guide helps you put the latest advances to work for your unique child. Separating fact from fiction about causes, treatments, and prevention, the book guides you to make lifestyle choices that support the developing brain. Learn about the choices you have — and the steps you can take — to build a happier, healthier life for your child and family.
The IEP Toolkit
A strong Individualized Education Program (IEP) is an important part of ensuring your child’s success at school. Empowering parents to be their children’s best advocates is the guiding principle for this toolkit, created by the Autism Society of NC, which will walk you through the process.
Here's an Idea!
Got 3 minutes? Get 4 practical tips for individuals on the autism spectrum! These "mini-videos" feature Duke Center for Autism Clinic psychiatrists and psychologists sharing practical tips in response to challenging situations facing autistic people.
"Tips for Families Living w/ COVID-19, ASD & ADHD" - Duke Center for Autism Video Series
In these short videos, Duke Center for Autism Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Lauren Franz, MBChB, MPH, and Duke ADHD Program Director Scott Kollins, PhD, - both investigators on the Autism Center of Excellence study - share tips, strategies, and resources for caregivers of children with ASD, ADHD, or both.
School Safety Best Practices: Fire Drill
This information sheet gives proven strategies for working with autistic students during routine fire drills at school. Indiana University Hands In Autism Resource Center created this resource to help all students participate in school fire drills so they are prepared in the event of an actual emergency.
"How to" Templates
These templates, created and offered by the HANDS in Autism Interdisciplinary Training and Resource Center at Indiana University, can be used across settings to support individuals with a range of neurodiversities
11 Do's: Schoolbus & Students with Autism - Hands In Autism
This handy one-page fact sheet, created by the Indiana University Hands In Autism Resource Center, includes strategies to support autistic individuals on a school bus.
Teaching Skills to Prepare for Back to School - Autism Society of NC
Going back to school after time off for the summer is an exciting, but often overwhelming time. You may begin to feel some nervousness about how your loved one will transition to a new schedule or even navigate a new environment. To help prepare for the new school year, the Autism Society of NC clinical staff gathered some strategies and tips.