AASPIRE Healthcare Toolkit
The AASPIRE Healthcare Toolkit was created as part of an on-going research project by the Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE) to help improve healthcare access and quality for adults on the autism spectrum. The project was funded by the National Institute Of Mental Health, Award Number R34MH092503.
Living Independently on the Autism Spectrum: What You Need to Know to Move into a Place of Your Own, Succeed at Work, Start a Relationship, and Enjoy Life as an Adult
Living on your own for the very first time can be exciting yet nerve-wracking. Adjusting to this new life can seem especially difficult when you're on the autism spectrum. Drawing on her experiences, Lynne Soraya, one of ThAutcast.com's Most Inspiring Autistic People provides valuable advice as she guides readers through each step of transition into adulthood.
Navigating College: A Handbook on Self Advocacy
Leaving high school and going to college is complicated for everyone. Navigating College is an introduction to the college experience from those of us who've been there. The writers and contributors are Autistic adults, and we're giving you the advice that we wish someone could have given us when we headed off to college.
Employment Tool Kit - Autism Speaks
This toolkit, provided by Autism Speaks, provides helpful information for autistic individuals researching, finding, and keeping employment. It includes job-related stories, tips, and information from a collaboration of people, including autistic adults.
Although this guide is written for you, we know that it will also be helpful for family members, service providers, business leaders and anyone who is helping someone with autism find and keep a job.
A Practical Guide to Happiness in Adults on the Autism Spectrum
Clear and engaging, this book offers a refreshing positive psychology approach to mental health and autism. Moving away from neurotypical views of happiness, it sets out simple techniques to help adults on the spectrum improve their mental health.
Here's an Idea!
Got 3 minutes? Get 4 practical tips for individuals on the autism spectrum! These "mini-videos" feature Duke Center for Autism Clinic psychiatrists and psychologists sharing practical tips in response to challenging situations facing autistic people.
Postsecondary Educational Opportunities Guide - Autism Speaks
Deciding what to do after high school can be a difficult process. This guide will help you and your family explore the various options available to you.The guide provides a closer look at four-year universities, community colleges, vocational/technical school, life skills programs, and more.
"Tips for Families Living w/ COVID-19, ASD & ADHD" - Duke Center for Autism Video Series
In these short videos, Duke Center for Autism Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Lauren Franz, MBChB, MPH, and Duke ADHD Program Director Scott Kollins, PhD, - both investigators on the Autism Center of Excellence study - share tips, strategies, and resources for caregivers of children with ASD, ADHD, or both.
Transition Toolkit - Autism Speaks
The Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit provides guidance, suggestions, and options for those on the journey from adolescence to adulthood. Topics covered include self-advocacy skills, legal issues, housing and employment options.