Event sponsored by:
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Neurology
School of Medicine (SOM)
Lefebvre, Cathy
Donna Sudak, MD
Sponsored by the Ewald W. Busse Lectureship
Donna Sudak, MD is Professor and Vice Chair for Education in the Department of Psychiatry at Drexel University, and Director of Residency and Psychotherapy Training at Tower Health -Phoenixville Hospital. She is a clinician-educator with a wealth of experience in teaching and patient care. She has made a number of significant contributions to the literature in CBT education and has played a major role in developing suggested curricula and guidelines for supervision and resident competency in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. She has multiple publications regarding combining treatment with medication and CBT. Her most recent book, The Handbook of Psychiatric Education, written with a group of noted experts, provides multiple resources for educators.
In addition to her teaching responsibilities at Drexel and Tower Health, Dr. Sudak is an adjunct faculty member at the Beck Institute. She is the Past President of The Academy of Cognitive Therapy, the former Editor of the PIPE examination, and she has served on the Board of Regents of the American College of Psychiatrists. Dr. Sudak is a member and chair of the Review Committee for Psychiatry at the ACGME, and has held multiple leadership roles in the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, including as President.
Link to join: https://duke.zoom.us/j/98318919146?pwd=WjE3L3JHNTNCZS83Qytxdk1Pc3Zzdz09
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds