Neurodiversity Initiatives at Duke University: Progress and Future Directions

April 9, 2025
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Event sponsored by:

Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS)


Sturdivant, Elizabeth


Brandsen and Chandrasekhar


Sam Brandsen, PhD & Tara Chandrasekhar, MD
Please join us for the Autism Acceptance Month keynote presentation in our 2024-25 Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development Seminar Series. Drs. Sam Brandsen and Tara Chandrasekhar from the Duke Center for Autism will discuss their collaboration on neurodiversity awareness and inclusion at Duke University. They will highlight initiatives they have undertaken in higher education, research, and self-advocacy. The discussion will include examples of accommodations that may benefit neurodivergent students, patients, and staff, as well as the broader advantages of fostering an accessible environment. Their efforts encompass a range of research and advocacy initiatives guided by the goals of identifying and addressing unmet needs, building a sense of community, and reducing barriers to accessibility. They will also share key insights from their work, reflect on meaningful experiences, discuss challenges encountered, and outline hopes for future directions. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED - PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE AT THE LINK PROVIDED.

Duke Center for Autism Seminar Series