3,000 Miles for Autism - Updates from advocate and runner Nick Nickerson

3000 Miles For Autism - Oct. Update

October/Early Nov were filled with races - Hillsborough Half Marathon, Tuna Run 200, Autism 5K I ran with Adam and Nov 5 did the City of Oaks (Raleigh) Half Marathon . Finished (Photo on right) 2nd in my age group for this race, but as I tell everyone - I don't outrun anyone any more, I have simply outlived them!! Actually the last 2 miles of this race were my fastest of the 13. I passed a guy just after the 11 Mile marker and was pretty sure he was in my age group. Wanted to be sure he didn't pass me to the finish line. He didn't!!! So guess I really am still competitive after all these years and outrunning a few!!!

Autism Research Notes

From Duke University
There have been some interesting developments in the Autistic research arena of late. Duke University Center for Autism and Brain Development is doing clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of Umbilical Cord Blood to improve outcomes for children on the Autism Spectrum. They completed an initial study to confirm safety and now are engaged in the next level study to determine efficacy.

From UNC
UNC is participating in the new SPARK: Igniting Autism Research, Improving Lives program. A collaborative effort with 50,000 individuals with the goal to speed up autism research and learn more about the causes and treatment of autism.

Quote From The Autism Society of America

"There is no known single cause for autism, but it is generally accepted that it is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Brain scans show differences in the shape and structure of the brain in autistic versus non-autistic children. Researchers are investigating a number of theories, including the link between heredity, genetics and medical problems. In many families, there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities, further supporting a genetic basis to the disorder. While no one gene has been identified as causing autism, researchers are searching for irregular segments of genetic code that autistic children may have inherited. It also appears that some children are born with a susceptibility to autism, but researchers have not yet identified a single "trigger" that causes autism to develop."

I interpret the meaning of "trigger" to be environmental impact. My wife, Annetta, has been saying this very same thing for the past 15 years. The medical community is finally catching up to her!!!

Wishing you all a wonderful, happy and safe Thanksgiving!!
My Favorite Holiday Of The Year!!

Thanks for your continued support. Best and Run On!!! 

Nick Nickerson
Founder/Manager 3000 Miles For Autism


We can now accept Cars, RV's, Boats, Houses as donations!!!
