We have some episodes on a Spotify playlist where available.
Podcast: 'Early intervention for very young children with or at high likelihood for autism spectrum disorder: An overview of reviews'
The Incredible Impact of Early Interventions: Autism Weekly Podcast
"It's important to get connected early. No one - regardless of where they live or what recources they have available to them - should have to wait extended periods of time to start services that can support child and family quality of life."
Duke Center for Autism Associate Director Dr. Lauren Franz joins Autism Weekly podcast to discuss the power of early interventions, the need for healthcare access, and how our research is making a difference.
Psychiatric News: Visual Diagnostics Become More Accessible
In this Psychiatric News podcast, Duke Center for Autism Director Geraldine Dawson, PhD, and Duke University James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Guillermo Saprio, DSc, highlight the center's digital screening app and the future of eye-based tools to screen for autism.
Listen to the full podcast here.
Eye gaze and real-life early detection tools: An interview with researchers - Autism Science Foundation's Science Report Podcast
In its Science Weekly Podcast, the Autism Science Foundation shares, "Eye gaze and real-life early detection tools: An interview with researchers from Duke," featuring Dr. Geraldine Dawson and researchers from the Duke Pratt School of Engineering.