"How to" Templates
These templates, created and offered by the HANDS in Autism Interdisciplinary Training and Resource Center at Indiana University, can be used across settings to support individuals with a range of neurodiversities
Back to School "To Do" List for Parents and Students
This is a "To Do" list, created by the Indiana University Hands In Autism Resource Center, that includes specific steps for parents and students to complete as they prepare for a new school year.
The Mind Tree
Author Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay shares his story as an autistic person who is nearly nonverbal. At the age of three, Tito was diagnosed with severe autism. But his mother, with boundless hope and determination, read to him and taught him to write in English. She also challenged him to write his own stories.
"Tips for Families Living w/ COVID-19, ASD & ADHD" - Duke Center for Autism Video Series
In these short videos, Duke Center for Autism Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Lauren Franz, MBChB, MPH, and Duke ADHD Program Director Scott Kollins, PhD, - both investigators on the Autism Center of Excellence study - share tips, strategies, and resources for caregivers of children with ASD, ADHD, or both.
Social Narrative: Getting a Shot is OK
Use this social narrative, created by Hands in Autism Resource Center at Indiana University, to help autistic individuals learn about and prepared to get a shot at the doctor's visit.
Autism & Suicide: Resources from American Association of Suicidology
Autistic people have significantly higher rates of suicidal thoughts, suicidal behaviors, and deaths by suicide than the general public. The American Association of Suicidology as developed autism specific resources to aid in supporting autistic people in crisis.
Dental Toolkit from Autism Speaks
Oral health is a very important component of healthy daily living. But for some children with autism, oral health habits can be challenging. Autism Speaks provides this guide for families to help begin a lifetime of good oral care.